Terms of use

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By using website of the Events Center (the “Website”), user agrees not to:

  • Upload any files that contain software or other material, data or information not owned by or licensed to the user;
  • Use this website in any way to send unsolicited commercial email or spam;
  • Upload files that may contain a virus or corrupt data;
  • Publish, post, distribute or circulate materials or information violating laws, regulations or public morals through the website.
  • Use any means, software or procedure to interfere or attempt to interfere with the proper operation of the website;
  • Take any action applying unreasonable or improper overload to the infrastructure of the website as per the technical standards.

Hyper-linking from and to the Website

Hyper-linking to the website:

  • It is prohibited for the user to transfer, copy, create hyper-links or display any of the same within a frame through the website; 
  • Under no circumstance shall the website be responsible for any signs, logos, symbols, or any other means that appear through other websites; 
  • The website reserves all rights to stop and block any link that includes a violation of laws, regulations or public morals

of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Hyper-linking from the website:

  • The website is not liable for any contents of other websites. Accordingly, the use of links to access these websites shall be at the user’s own risk.

Suggestions and Feedback

The Center is keen on ongoing interaction with users of the website. As such, the Center looks forward that all visitors adhere to the terms of feedback as follows:

  •  Observe the public morals in the content sent.
  • Text of the message to be shared shall not contain any personal information, postal or electronic addresses, or phone numbers, except for those requested from the user by the website.
  • Receiving suggestion or feedback is not considered an acceptance or initiation of implementation of the same. Rather, its applicability and feasibility shall be studied.

Protection from Viruses 

The Center does its best to regularly scan and test the contents of this website. We further advise the user to operate an antivirus software to scan all materials downloaded from the web. The Center shall not be liable for any loss, interruption or damage of the user’s information or computer that could happen during connection to this website or upon using any material downloaded from this website.


The website, services, information and materials available on it or which can be accessed through the website are provided for your use on “as is” or “as available” basis without any acknowledgment, promise or guarantee of whatsoever nature. Moreover, any use of this website is not meant to guarantee any rights, permits or advantages, whatsoever, to the user, except those explicitly indicated.

Limits of Liability

Limits of the Center’s liability include protection of the user’s information. Rather, the use of the website shall remain at the user’s own risk.


The user undertakes not to take any action against the Center regarding any claim arising out of any breach by the user of the terms of use or any applicable regulations or laws, whether in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia or the where the user lives.

Suspension or End of Use

The Center may, at its absolute discretion, restrict or suspend the user’s access and use the website without notification for any reason including the violation of the terms of use.

Intellectual Property Rights

Intellectual property rights of this website are copyrighted by applicable Saudi laws and may not be copied or used in any way without obtaining a prior written consent from the Center.


The judiciary authorities of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia are the competent ones with regard to all claims and dispute that arising from the use of this Website. The Arabic language shall be the main language for solving any disputes arising out of the use of this website.

General Terms & Conditions

  • This website is available for personal use only. The user’s access and use of the website constitutes an agreement to the Terms of Use, and is subject to the laws of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, whether you are a registered user or not.
  • Information and materials in this website are subject to frequent updates and changes as required.
  • Your use of this website after any amendment to the ‘Terms of Use’ shall constitute your acceptance of these terms. 

For further information

In case of having any enquiries or opinions on the ‘Terms of Use’, you can contact the Center.

Relevant Laws:

  • Electronic Transaction Law
  • Anti-Cyber Crime Law
  • Essential Cybersecurity Controls
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